Client Success Story: Fuel Management for Logistics Company in South Africa

Success Stories

The Landmark FuelSecure team was recently contacted by a transport company based in South Africa regarding our fuel monitoring solutions. The owner and fleet manager advised that their fuel costs have drastically increased over a short period of time and did not align with the recent fuel price fluctuations. They wanted to know if our fuel measuring and reporting systems could help them with an ongoing challenge.

The clients’ challenge

The client had multiple vehicles, some of which were equipped with two fuel tanks and while other vehicles were equipped with one fuel tank.

  • Monitoring Fuel Usage: The client wanted to be able to monitor the fuel directly from the tank in real-time. At the moment, their company operated using a manual recording method, where drivers would document when fuel was dispensed and how much it cost. This method was labour-intensive and did not have any other means to verify.
  • Managing Fuel Alerts: With a manual data recording process, the fleet manager was unable to determine how far the vehicle would travel on a single tank, how much fuel was remaining in the tank, and how much fuel was dispensed before, during, or after a single trip. They wanted to be able to see current fuel levels in their tanks and receive alerts which notified them when fuel was being dispensed or removed from the tank.

The Landmark FuelSecure Solution

Our team proceeded to expertly install our state-of-the-art fuel probes into the various tanks and configured the probes to the easy-to-use dashboard. The FuelSecure dashboard provided the client with easy access and versatility, allowing him to access the platform on any device via the app, where he can easily monitor his vehicles’ fuel usage, and receive alerts on the go.

With the probe in place, the client was able to set up and receive online alerts for instances such as:

  • Fuel Tank Fill Up / Draining
  • Real-Time Fuel Levels
  • Exceeding Fuel Limit Per Trip
  • Alerts on Possible Fuel Theft
  • Fuel Tank Malfunctions, etc.


It became apparent, almost immediately, after going live, that some of the drivers were filling up at service stations and shortly thereafter stealing some of the fuel. The locations where this was happening were identified and set as no-go geo-fences. Soon, all the drivers that were involved were identified.

The financial savings to the client are significant. Another happy customer!

At Landmark FuelSecure, we strive to provide end-to-end fuel management solutions for our clients. If you are looking for a system that will allow you to easily manage and monitor your fuel, contact us today on 011 728 4757 or email us at

