Blog ArticlesMaximizing Fuel Efficiency: How Landmark FuelSecure Can Help Your Fleet Save27 November 2024With fuel prices continuously rising, the cost of keeping a fleet on the road has become a significant financial burden…Read More
Blog ArticlesThe Threat of Fuel Theft and the Vital Role of Fuel Monitoring Technology31 October 2024Fuel Monitoring, Fuel Security, Fuel Theft Prevention, Landmark FuelSecureThe financial and security consequences of fuel theft can be significant, with stolen fuel not only increasing operational costs but…Read More
Blog ArticlesMastering fuel management and efficiency in your fleet3 October 2024Fuel Management Tips, Fuel Security, Fuel Theft PreventionGone are the days of simple fuel management solutions, although perfect for the average user, fleet managers require more advanced…Read More
Blog ArticlesHow fuel theft prevention and monitoring can benefit your fleet28 August 2024Fuel Management Tips, Fuel Security, Landmark FuelSecureFuel theft is one of the biggest concerns experienced by fleet managers and business owners across the globe. This concern…Read More
Blog ArticlesFuel cards vs credit cards24 July 2024Fuel Monitoring, Fuel Security, Landmark FuelSecureIn the logistics sector, being able to strategically manage your fleet’s biggest financial expense is vital to the long-term success…Read More
Blog ArticlesDebunking popular fuel-saving myths that might be costing you money28 June 2024Fuel Management Tips, Fuel Monitoring, Landmark FuelSecureThroughout 2024, we have experienced a rollercoaster ride when it comes to fuel prices. Couple this with the rise in…Read More
Blog ArticlesIs South Africa ready for electric vehicle fleets3 June 2024Electric Vehicles, Industry Trends, Landmark FuelSecureFluctuating fuel prices are digging their way deep into the pockets of businesses around the globe. Couple this with the…Read More
Blog ArticlesThe impact fuel probes have on fleets30 April 2024Fuel Management Tips, Fuel Probes, Landmark FuelSecureFuel theft can have a devastating impact on businesses of all sizes, across all industry sectors. With fuel prices fluctuating…Read More
Blog ArticlesTop 7 Fuel Saving Driving Tips19 March 2024Fuel Management Tips, Fuel Monitoring, Landmark FuelSecureReducing operational costs while maintaining premium output in any business is considered the gold standard. However, this imperative holds even…Read More
Blog ArticlesWhy Fuel Management Systems Are Essential24 April 2023Fuel Management Tips, Fuel Monitoring, Landmark FuelSecureYou would be hard-pressed to find any individual or business that is not overwhelmed or frustrated by the recent petrol…Read More